
How to find us

We are situated in Blossomgate, just 5 minutes walk away from the town centre. Cross the Market Place to Westgate (corner of Yorkshire BS and HSBC) and follow the road round into Blossomgate. The church is a short way up on the right-hand side (ignore the turning into Marshall Way).

By Car

From the north, leave the A1(M) at junction 50 and follow the A61 to Ripon. At the first roundabout take the 3rd exit and follow the road to the Market Place, going round the one- way system and into Westgate. Take the right-hand lane into Blossomgate.

From the south, leave the A1(M) at junction 48, and cross back over the A1(M) and turn left on to the A168. At the 2nd roundabout turn left at the B6265 and carry straight on to Ripon. At the first main set of lights turn right up High Skellgate, left into Westgate and take the right-hand lane into Blossomgate.

From the east (via Thirsk), take the A61 to Ripon, crossing over the A1(M) at junction 50 and follow the instructions above.

From the west, follow the B6265 to Ripon. At the first roundabout take the right-hand exit into Mallorie Park Drive. At the first lights turn left up High Skellgate, left into Westgate and take the right-hand lane into Blossomgate.

By Bus

The 36 Service from Leeds to Ripon (via Harrogate) runs every 15 minutes throughout the day (every 30 minutes on Sundays). The bus station is just 2 minutes walk from the Market Place.